Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Hello Haiti and Good Bye Haiti And Giveaway!

I want to thank all of you who have followed our Haiti mission trip! And a HUGE THANK YOU to Sarah Robertson for doing such a great job journaling while we were there. 

I thought I'd give you a couple links that might interest you. First EBY! This video is done by our pastor's youngest daughter (Kevin and his family have decided to become full-time missionaries in Haiti). Toward the end of the video you will see a about 10 seconds of sweet Eby! Beka has done about 4 videos if you'd like to see what is like for an American kid new to Haiti. 

Here is another short video with a short clip of Eby!

Here is a Facebook link to Parakaleo. This is an awesome nonprofit organization. My daughter-in-love and Kevin Falde started Parakaleo. Every penny given goes to the people. Every one who works for Parakaleo volunteers so that all donations reach the people in need. It is one of the few organizations that can say that. Parakaleo means to come along side and that is what we are trying to do. Help the people help themselves.

Here are a few pictures of my family in Haiti.

This is my oldest son Joshua holding Eby. He's going to make a great daddy!!
Hannah, my daughter-in-love at the baptism holding sweet Eby. She's going to make a great mommy!
Here are my 3 guys in Haiti, Joe, Marcus and Joshua all working on the electrical. Doesn't it look safe? It was until Joshua fell through the table!
This is Kacie  talking with Josue who is interpreting for her.

Me and my sweet Eby!

Sara, Clifford (I love this kid!) and Sarah your journal/blogger!
This is one of our interpreters, Gilly. He is the sweetest guy and such a heart for the Lord.
This is Marcus. My son-love helping wire the church on the side of the mountain...Literally! I'm one lucky lady to have such great kids.
Hubby at the hospital lab yep that is the lab. My hubby is the medical lab tech when we go to Haiti. He was a MLT back when we first married and everything was done manually. Little did we know that God had a plan for that.
Okay so Josue is not really my family. But he calls us mom and dad and we call him son. He is my interpreter when I get one. Josue also graduated from seminary and is a pastor in Haiti. 
This is Joshua again with Marcus in the background. This is one of the ways we get around in Haiti.
I'd like to know what they are saying! Hannah and Kacie, two girls who stole my heart.

Remember the side of the mountain? This is my hubby hanging out the window over the edge of the mountain. And Pastor Prahl, Hannah and Sarah's father holding his leg. Hmmmm

This is my daughter! She's one of the PA's that come. 

This is my hubby and high school sweetheart. He's helping with the river baptism.

This is my Hannah again. She's one of the nurses that come. We are at the hotel in Caye Jacmel the night we arrived in Haiti and before we headed up to the mountains. Hannah's birthday and two ice creams! What's a girl to do!

This is me and Emelie, one of my closest friends and also our pastor's wife who are now missionaries in Haiti. Every day is a bad hair day in Haiti.

Next month I have a new release! A medieval novella set once again at Rosen Craig!

GIVEAWAY: And don't forget to leave a comment with your email for a chance to win choice copy of one of my books and choice of format!


  1. Debbie, these posts have been wonderful this whole week. Thanks to you & your mission team being willing to be the hands & feet of Jesus & sharing with us! rw620 AT aol DOT com

  2. Thank you for sharing this great journey. mauback55 at gmail dot com

  3. Looks like not only your guys got work done but you had a great time with the people of Haiti. cheetahthecat1986ATgmailDOTcom

  4. Thanks so much for sharing your time in Haiti!

  5. The pictures are so sharp and clear. Thank you for sharing. fishingjanATaolDOTcom

  6. I enjoyed reading and being blessed through your posts of your time ministering to the people of Haiti! Thank for today's pictures and the videos. It was fun seeing cute little Eby walking around, ooing, smiling and laughing! I can see how you all grew to love him. :) And I was also excited to read you have a new release coming out next month.....A medieval novella set once again at Rosen Craig! Woo Hoo! ~Alison Boss


    I am also a Feedburner Follower.

  7. I have enjoyed your trip! jarning67(at)hotmail(dot)com

  8. Thank you all for sharing in our mission trip! It has been so much fun visiting with everyone through the week! I am going to go through and draw my winners! Good luck everyone!

  9. I used to choose my winners. I decided to give two copies away since we had such a great turn out!
